Visiting a Local Fortune Teller in Okinawa, Japan

Photo: Andrea Schaffer, Feature Photo: Mitch Lorens

Expat Mary Richardsons revisit with Mr. Furuda does not spin out as expected.

Garfield the Cat greeted me during the door. He was suction-cupped to the glass, as well as we checked the sign again to be sure we was during the right place.

San Francisco Caf.

Yes, this was it. we entered seeking for Mr. Furuda, the fortune-teller.

A host urged me to lay down as well as forced the menu into my hands. Several people sat during alternative booths. At the circuitously table, Mr. Furuda spoke kindly to the immature lady who was dotting her eyes with the handkerchief.

I browsed the menu, though food seemed irrelevant.

I was during the San Francisco Caf to experience an Okinawan pasttime- visiting an urenai. we had my collect of several clairvoyants, human as well as electronic, within easy walking distance. There was the palm reader around the corner, an colonnade where we could get the computerized printout, as well as the posh establishment called Mystic Rose inside the department store. Mr. Furuda had come highly endorsed though, as well as he spoke English.

Japanese multitude is highly receptive to matters of divination. People line up in scores to embrace New Years Day fortunes. Some companies have shrines as well as deliberate feng shui decorating experts. Recently tiny shops offering inexpensive 1000 yen readings have proliferated.

San Francisco Cafe, Photo: Mary Richardson

I looked during the alternative patrons inside the caf, as well as then again during the great girl.

I wouldnt cry, would I?

Of march not. we was usually there for sheer informative entertainment, or so we reminded myself.

Then again, years before d! uring th e San Diego County Fair, the clairvoyant took my breath away. At which time, we was torn in between two loves. One was the long-distance attribute Id had for years, the alternative the intensity brand new romance. Id usually had fun in thoughts when we handed over my $20, though my mouth fell open when the penetrating knew my predicament.

Right now in Okinawa, though, we wasnt seeking for guidance about boyfriends. we was seeking for the unique afternoon.

But if we had been seeking advice, we rationalized there was the historical fashion for it. From the beginning of time, people have looked to mystics for conversing as well as remedies. Even now, superstition plays the prominent purpose around the world. In China, people use fortune-tellers similar to financial advisors, asking for investing tips. The convention of throwing bones supplements complicated disinfectant as well as eremite beliefs in parts of Africa. And states similar to Michigan as well as New York, in the midst of current economic woes, have enacted laws to regulate the burgeoning happening revelation industry.

Waiting for my turn, we realized we was the single of many women in the cafe. There were college girls, older matrons, as well as others in mid-thirties similar to me. In fact, the steady stream of women poured in.

I wondered if Mr. Furuda recycled the manifestation of the same happening for all of us. Did he look for crinkles around the eyes as well as place us into the demographic, guessing during the romantic worries?

Fortunes during Sensoji, Photo: quatro.sinko

Researchers report which executive European women during the late 19th century often turned to fortune-tellers for alternative treatment. Health models during the time were male-centric as well as remote from feminine psychological ailments deriving from womens narrow social domain. In particular, they sough! t mystic s to scrutinise whom they should marry, if husbands were faithful, as well as how to get pregnant.

In benefaction times upon the alternative side of the world, were the 21st century complicated womans questions the same? Did the need for reassurance about matters of adore as well as relations transcend generation as well as culture?

Mr. Furuda sat conflicting me as well as took my hand. Unlike the San Diego penetrating who conformed to my gypsy seer stereotype, Mr. Furuda wore the crisply ironed button up Oxford shirt as well as trousers, only similar to an accountant.

He had the comforting face, though we immediately felt self-conscious. Minutes before, Id observed anxiety, relief, consternation, as well as repose upon alternative peoples faces. Now it was my turn.

You will have long life, My Furuda said pointing the orderly filed fingernail during the crease upon my palm.

But the many critical thing is

He paused carefully as well as looked into my eyes.

You have to make the baby subsequent year.

Walking out of the caf, we stepped around the trio of giggling girls. we peered back in through the potion doorway as well as saw which Mr. Furuda had already moved upon to the subsequent patron.

I was annoyed. Despite my self-talk about not taking it seriously, Mr. Furuda had overwhelmed the nerve. As the 35-year old woman, we didnt need him to levy the reproductive timeline upon me. we had Japanese as well as American society, doctors, as well as my own mom for that.

Community Connection

Have you ever visited the happening teller or palm reader while abroad? Share your practice below.

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