Photo Essay: Classrooms Around the World

Many of us in a Matador village have lived, taught as well as studied abroad. Here have been some snapshots of students as well as classrooms from around a globe.

Feature photo: MaryAnne Oxendale

korean kindergarten

1. Kindergarten class in Korea practicing for a Christmas pageant, Photo: Michelle Schusterman

2. Grade 3 to 5 classroom in Buckten, Switzerland, Photo: Andrea Scherne

3. Sikkim, North India, Photo: Anja Disseldorp

4. Madrasa in Zanibar, Photo: missy & a universe

5. An engaging vocabulary doctrine in China, Photo: MaryAnne Oxendale

6. Tent school for Afghan boys in Helmand, Afghanistan, Photo: DVIDSHUB

7. Pre-k classroom in Leon, Nicaragua, Photo: Jennifer Walts

8. School kids in Belize, Photo: Julie Schwietert

9. Sadec School in a Mekong Delta, Vietnam, Photo: Christian Lagat

10.Red Day at Shining Light Academy in Gilgit, Pakistan

Go to a next page for photos from Uzbekistan, Paraguay, Lebanon as well as more countries.


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