20 Awesomely Untranslatable Words from Around the World

Photo: laogooliThere have been during slightest 250,000 words in a English language. However, to consider which English or any denunciation could reason enough expression to communicate a whole of a tellurian knowledge is as arrogant of an assumption as it is naive.

Here have been a few examples of instances where other languages have found a right word as well as English simply falls speechless.

1. Toska

Russian Vladmir Nabokov describes it best: No single word in English renders all a shades of toska. At a deepest as well as most painful, it is a sensation of great spiritual anguish, often yet any specific cause. At less dark levels it is a lifeless ache of a soul, a longing with nothing to prolonged for, a sick pining, a vague restlessness, mental throes, yearning. In particular cases it might be a enterprise for somebody of something specific, nostalgia, love-sickness. At a lowest level it grades in to ennui, boredom.

2. Mamihlapinatapei

Yagan (indigenous denunciation of Tierra del Fuego) The speechless as well as silent, nonetheless meaningful demeanour shared by dual people who both enterprise to initiate something yet have been both demure to start.

3. Jayus

Indonesian A joke so horrible as well as told so feeble which a listener cant assistance yet laugh.

Photo: craigallyn

4. Prozvonit

Czech This word means to call a mobile phone as well as let it ring once so which a other chairman will call back, saving a initial tourist money. In Spanish, a word for this is Dar un toque, or, To give a touch.

5. Litost

Czech Milan Kundera, writer of The Unbearable Lightness of Being, remarked which As for a definition of this word, we have looked in vain in other languages for! an equi valent, yet we find it difficult to imagine how any one can understand a tellurian soul yet it. The closest definition is a state of anguish as well as torment created by a sudden sight of ones own misery.

6. Kyoikumama

Japanese A mother who in cold blood pushes her young kids toward educational overachievement.

7. Tartle

Scottish The action of hestitating while introducing someone since youve forgotten their name.

8. Ilunga

Tshiluba (Southwest Congo) A word famous for a untranslatability, most veteran translators pinpoint it as a stature of a chairman who is ready to forgive as well as forget any initial abuse, endure it a second time, yet never forgive nor endure on a third offense.

9. Iktsuarpok

Inuit To go outward to check if any one is coming.

10. Cafune

Brazilian Portuguese The action of tenderly running ones fingers by someones hair.


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