Hot Dining in San Francisco: Michael Minas New Place

Michael Mina, San Francisco

The foodie world is abuzz about a brand new Michael Mina which opened this week in a culinary mecca of San Francisco. The star cook has reopened his namesake grill in a aged space during Aqua, where he first rose to stardom. The flagship of his grill empire, a grill will showcase a finest countenance in modern American cuisine. Zagat Buzz points out which a some-more affordable New American menu adds some Japanese change (though a signature lobster pot cake remains), as well as theres also a five-course tasting menu accessible for $95. Whet your ardour by checking out a menus here. We similar to a receptive to advice of a Dungeness Crab Pasta Pyramids (a starter) as well as a truffle-stuffed Shelton Farms Chicken. (Theres not much upon a menu you *dont* like.) The cocktails receptive to advice strong fine, too. Lavanda, anyone? (Thats done with gin, lavender as well as absinthe.)


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