New Years Bash and More: Warm Up in Shanghai at the JIA Boutique Hotel

Jia Hotel ShanghaiIn Shanghai for New Years Eve? Book a list during JIA a trendy boutique hotel as well as youll be arcane to a 4-course celebration menu during issimo by Salvatore Cuomo with giveaway flowing Prosecco til a wee hours. Add sparkle to your night by booking a special Winter Warmth package. Youll get a room upgrade as well as all kinds of complimentary JIA extras: a prohibited baked breakfast during issimo, 24-hour soft beverages, afternoon cakes as well as a dusk booze reception in a lobby, internal phone calls, as well as special entrance to a disdainful KEE in isolation members club. This special is accessible right away through January 5, 2011. Priced from RMB 1280 in a stylish Studio. The four-course NYE dinner is labelled from RMB 688 per person. (Get unlimited Prosecco with a package cost of RMB 288 per person.) While youre in town, comfortable up with traditional prohibited chocolate served with a lurch of either Disarrono or Grand Marnier as well as surfaced with whipped cream, during a hotels Ciobar.


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