A Frenzied Search for Thanksgiving Turkey in South Korea

Somewhere in Seoul, there is Thanksgiving turkey. Photo: Ian Muttoo, Feature Photo: Gerry

Despite all which we took divided from my six months living in the traditional forest nunnery upon meditation, the impermanence of everything, as well as living in the moment, there is zero utterly similar to several hours in trade to have we forget all of the Buddhas teachings.

Whether Im the passenger or without delay during the behind of the wheel, the presence of alternative cars has the capability to expostulate (no pun intended) me into the savage rage. Now couple which with the lack of water upon the sight as well as the office building ardour for turkey, as well as we have the small suspicion how we outlayed the initial half of my Thanksgiving Day.

It proposed out with the elementary sufficient plan: find turkey in South Korea. Im regularly seeking for turkey in Asia, as the task customarily gives me something to strive for. Online stores can yield sandwich meat, though to find which true, fresh-out-the-oven turkey quality? Not the easiest thing in the world.

For one, there have been no live turkeys in Korea. Secondly, there have been couple of ovens. Nevertheless, for the single dedicated to the search, it is probable to lane down this elusive bird for Thanksgiving dinner. A Couchsurfing forum provided me with the answer: the in progress school in north Seoul upon Saturday, Nov 27th, only the four-hour trip by sight from my still small towering town.

There was the second emanate inspiring my quest: South Korea came underneath attack. North Korea launched an attack upon Yeonpyeong Island.

The nation is not land the breath, watchful for the subsequent barb to hit.

The emails came flooding in from friends as well as family, asking if we was alright. we live upon the east coast, hundreds of kilometers divided from the attack. Even if we had b! een in d owntown Seoul, we doubt we would have been seriously affected. we have to admit we feel the same titillate to strech out to those we know in alternative countries when disaster strikes, though we consider the improved response than Are we ok??? would be So, what have we listened which we havent?

Life is going upon as common here. Yes, there is speak of escalation upon both sides of the DMZ, though until full-fledged war breaks out, there will regularly be talk. Why? Because North Korea is run by the two-year-old who likes to chuck his toys from time to time. Yes, we see you. Time to put your stuffed bunny behind in the box.

Little has been influenced in South Korea alternative than in Yeonpyeong, of course. The mail is still being delivered. Buses have been still running. Planes have been flying out. Restaurants have been portion food. The nation is not land the breath, watchful for the subsequent barb to hit.

Turkey. It all comes behind to turkey. Kim Jong-il is one, as well as we wish to eat some.

So what happened upon my Thanksgiving Day?

Korean bus, Photo: Turner Wright

I start the day during 5:45 a.m. with the full of health seven-kilometer run as well as stretching. This will yield the excuse we need to stuff myself. By 7:45 a.m., we catch the sight for Seoul as well as fall defunct upon schedule.

I often listen to travelers tossing around the expression,Its not the destination; the the journey. Given which we outlayed some-more time in transit than we did during my destination, Id contend theres truth in that. we should have well known life wouldnt obey the clock. The couple of hours Im watchful we see everything lonesome in the covering of pristine snow. The sight is still relocating during top speed. A note to those who have never taken open transportation in Korea: when buses have been upon schedule, the dr! ivers ha ve been typically reasonable people. Make them the couple of mins late, however, as well as youll see maneuvers allied to those in Beijing or motorcycle taxis in Thailand or perhaps F-16s.

At this point, Im the small concerned about the roads up ahead, though we decide to play mental games with the time: OK, even if were behind by an hour, we can have it to cooking When the sight eventually does come to the complete stop as, we later learned, from an accident near Wonju we have the decision to keep my cool, as well as only let the craving build. After all, we need to get the bit of an ardour for an all-you-can-eat dinner; whats the mistreat in skipping lunch?

OK, even if were behind two hours, we can have it to dinner.

OK, even if were behind 3 hours, we can have it to cooking the small late.

Four hours?? Are we kidding me?? Move this bus, NOW! NOW! NOW! we WANT MY TURKEY!

I consider of myself as pretty stretchable when it comes to transport plans, though the suspicion of the take the break watchful for me during the end of the prolonged sight float opposite the nation was only as well tantalizing to concede anything to interfere.

The total time, Im texting my Couchsurfing friend in Seoul to see if therell be anything left if or when we do arrive. Even if we were to arrive during the sight terminal within the couple of hours, Id still have to navigate the transport complement for an hour or so. All which planning, all which anticipation for pumpkin pie, the starting to come crashing down. we consider of myself as pretty stretchable when it comes to transport plans, though the suspicion of the take the break watchful for me during the end of the prolonged sight float opposite the nation was only as well tantalizing to concede anything to interfere. People have been stepping out of their vehicles. A gaggle of girls from the Chinese debate sight is office building the snowman, unknowingly using powder from where the Korean man only did his business. we keep repea! ting to myself, Its the trade jam, theres zero we can do.

Eight hours after departing Bugu, we arrive in Dongseoul Bus Terminal. Positioning myself during the front of the bus, we fly out as shortly as the doors have been open, searching frantically for the nearest transport access. Did we mention this is my initial time in the large city? Ride Line 1 change to Line 3 buy the ticket here which train, right or left? My turkey is waiting!

Ive run marathons. Ive had calorie cravings over those the small human beings can imagine, though we still find my go by pushed to the limit of tolerance during the suspicion of not indulging in honeyed potatoes, stuffing, as well as succulent white meat. The subsequent event might not present itself until Christmas. And watchful four weeks in the land of the morning calm? Not going to happen, least of all with me in the calm mood.

Despite all my speak of inner rage, we relax once we realize it is during least theoretically probable to have it to dinner. Although we arrive upon the third floor of the in progress school sweaty, tired, as well as with my leg muscles in knots, we keep the grin upon my face as well as an easygoing attitude.

The writer gets his turkey during last.

Four poetic ladies greet me, only as surprised we done it to the table as we am. Although Ive had Thanksgiving Dinner divided from my family, this is the initial time we shared it with fellow Couchsurfers. All as well as all, it was the single of the best decisions we made. All the guests save one, were American, though we were utterly the mixture of racial backgrounds: the Russian Jew, the Polish Catholic, as well as me, whatever we am what am we these days?

The only thing which unequivocally concerns me during this point, however, is the delights scattered opposite plates upon the red tablecloth. Pumpkin pie, stuffing, turkey, mashed potatoes ! all we c an eat for 30,000 Won (about $30), as well as all we can speak about transport for free.

The evening continues with cheap Korean beer during the variety of bars in north Seoul as well as wraps up with inebriated talks of life, love, as well as happiness in my hosts flat. Im thinking Just an additional legal holiday come as well as gone. Though we bewail not being home, we adore how such gatherings can bring strangers together. Whereas we might have simply upheld by Seoul as well as treated my horde to the cooking in the chain restaurant, right away we both hold the mental recall of the shared legal holiday with new friends.

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