20 More Awesomely Untranslatable Words From Around the World

If only we could have use of these difference in Scrabble. Photo: Jeremy Mates

With so most seductiveness in a original 20 Awesomely Untranslatable Words article, we motionless to turn up 20 more.

When linguists refer to untranslatable words, a thought is not which a word cannot somehow be explained in an additional language, though which part of a hint of a word is mislaid as it crosses from a single language to another. This mostly is due to different amicable as well as informative contexts which have made how a word is used.

In a novel Shame, Salman Rushdies anecdotist suggests: To unlock a society, look during a untranslatable words.

Here have been 20 difference which dont interpret without delay in to English; what might these difference discuss it us about a societies in which they come from?

1. Inshallah

Arabic [in-shal-la] While it can be translated literally as if Allah wills, a definition of this phrase differs depending upon a speakers tinge of voice. We dont have an equivalent in English, as well as my father as well as I have adopted it in to a vocabulary.

It can be a genuine sentiment, such as when talking to an old crony as well as interruption with Well encounter again, inshallah, or it can be used as a way to tacitly indicate we actually arent planning to do something. An example would be if someone proposes a assembly during 4 p.m., as well as we know we wont be equates to to have it upon time. You can say, Ill see we during 4, inshallah, definition which youll only have it upon time if Allah wills it to happen.

Photo: Shahram Sharif

2. Takallouf

Urdu [ta-ka-LOOF] Takallouf can be loosely translated as formality, as well as it mostly refers to a supernatural volume of preparation put in to hosting a tea o! r dinner . However, it can additionally have a deeper, some-more culturally assembled meaning.

In Rushdies Shame, a father finds out his mother has deceived upon him as well as in response murders her lover. Although both father as well as mother have been aware of what has happened, conjunction of them speak of it because of a law of takallouf. The anecdotist explains:

Takallouf is a member of which opaque, word-wide sect of concepts which exclude to transport opposite linguistic frontiers: it refers to a form of tongue-typing formality, a amicable patience so extreme as to have it unfit for a plant to express what he or she really means, a species of compulsory irony which insists, for a sake of great form, upon being taken literally.When takallouf gets between a father as well as wife, look out (104).

The vigour of takallouf can finish up leaving many things unsaid, though to break this tradition could finish up bringing contrition upon a family.

3. Chai-pani

Hindi-Urdu [CHAI-PA-ni] Although it literally equates to tea as well as water, a single way to describe this compound word is as a money as well as favors since to someone, mostly a bureaucratic worker, to get things done.

In English, we would describe a movement as greasing someones palm, though in Hindi-Urdu it doesnt have as negative a connotation. If we dont suggest enough money or gifts in a initial place, someone might actually discuss it we which youve since a pani, though we still need to give a chai.

4. Bacheque

Lingala [ba-check] Although a closest English interpretation of this African noun would be con artist, bacheque has a richer meaning. C.J. Moore describes it similar to this:

This is a male about Kinshasa who will sell your a car (especially when yours has mysteriously disappeared a day before), classify a night out upon locale for we or a debate of a internal sights. Wearing a loud shirt as well as a most appropriate engineer watch, bacheque serve a vital brokering purpose! when a formal manage to buy has dramatically broken down. They change currency, establish market prices as well as give a capital a evil feel (78-79).

5. Drachenfutter

German [DRACH-ern-FOOT-er] While this word literally equates to dragon fodder, it refers to a type of gift German husbands show upon their wives when theyve stayed out late or they have otherwise engaged in a little kind of inapt behavior gifts similar to chocolates or flowers or a nice bottle of perfume (Moore 27).

Photo: Ethan Prater

6. Dozywocie

Polish [dosch-VOCH] Many cultures share this concept, though Polish sums it up in a singular word. Parental contract with children guaranteeing lifelong support (Rheingold 39).

7. Gagung

Cantonese [ga-GUNG] Literally definition bare branches, this word is used to speak about group who have little possibility to get married or start families due to Chinas one-child policy as well as a results: an excess of marriageable males as compared to females (Moore 85).

8. Taarof

Persian [ta-AH-rof] This noun equates to accepting someones hospitality, particularly food as well as drink, though it additionally refers to display a proper turn of amicable respect in different situations.

Language professor Fatima Farideh Nejat sees understanding a judgment of taarof as well as a incomparable amicable context as necessary to understanding Persian culture.

9. Luftmensch

Yiddish [LUFT-mensh] One who lives upon air (Moore 53).

A sample from The Joys of Yiddish:

The antecedent of a luftmensh was a single Leone da Modena,..who listed his skills as well as cited no fewer than twenty-six professions Why would so accomplished a male be classified as a luftmensh? Because out of all twenty-six professions.., he barely made a living.

10. Kokusaijin

Japanese [kok-SYE-djin] This nouns has a litera! l interp retation as an general person, though according to C.J. Moore it refers only to:

Japanese citizens who have been equates to to get along with foreigners. Cosmopolitan is a closest English equivalent, though this word connotes someone who speaks unfamiliar languages as well as knows a lot about unfamiliar countries as well as cultures. A Japanese kokusaijin might be an typical chairman with a flexible as well as open celebrity (89).

Go to a next page for 10 some-more awesomely untranslatable words.


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