Summer Escape in Boston: Get 50% Off Your Third Night at Fifteen Beacon Hotel

Fifteen Beacon, BostonWhether youre in Boston upon commercial operation or wish this summer, youll want to take advantage of a special offer during one of a tip lodgings in town: 50% off your third night with breakfast included during Fifteen Beacon Hotel. Piqued your interest? Fifteen Beacon offers neat accommodations as well as lots of comped amenities in a stellar setting during a crest of Beacon Hill. Think giveaway wireless Internet, overnight shoeshine, as well as in-town LS460L Lexus sedan service. And with only 62 guest bedrooms in total during a hotel, design rarely personalized service thats just as polished as a hotels ambiance. While enjoying Fifteen Beacons worldly digs, dont skip a dish during Mooo, a modern steakhouse with a turn from Chef Jamie Mammano. (Breakfast is just as dynamite with meals like poached eggs with lobster as well as steep trap smoked salmon with a toasted bagel.) The Summer Escape package where we stay dual nights as well as get a third during 50% off is accessible through September 6, 2010, based upon availability. Black-out dates apply.



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