July Flickr Photo Challenge
sound&light upon FlickrNot everybody is whisking themselves divided to an halcyon island retreat this summer, as well as thats a-okay. Cities additionally offer travelers both relaxing as well as energizing settings in which to escape the grub as well as highlight of daily life. And with festivals as well as other events make-up the calendar in most urban destinations, vacations to vital civil areas are more engaging as well as inviting than ever over the summer months.If you havent already, Perfect Escapes is inviting you to take the thrust as well as stick upon the print pool upon Flickr. Our Flickr print pool is the place to share your perfect escapes: Posh road house pictures, halcyon travel images, as well as tales detailing all of your oppulance road house experiences as well as adventures. Whether you visit the oppulance road house or just travel by one, post your five-star travel memories here. Each month you demeanour for images matching the sold travel-related topic or thesis as well as make known it right here (and upon our Flickr print pool page, too). From the new submissions you receive, a single propitious photog with afterwards have his or her picture featured upon next months Suite Life Blog Flickr print pool post!For our July print challenge, were looking for stunning, unconditional cityscapes. Show us around town from upon high, or directly in the brew the little closer to terra firma. New York. London. Paris. Venice. San Francisco. Tokyo. Hong Kong. Dubai. Moscow Wherever youve been (or wherever you are), if the environment is urban with the turn of divine, you want to see your best shots.
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