Diane Von Furstenberg at Claridges

Decked out with blooming bolts of color-rich as well as imaginatively patterned fabrics, silk safari-inspired rugs, custom-made cashmere blankets, as well as zebra-print bathrobes, the twenty room as well as suites written by Diane Von Furstenberg at Claridges - each unique, as well as all to be finish by the end of the year - have been upon trial to be gorgeous, if the initial three bedrooms which have already been accomplished have been any indication.

Rave reviews have been pouring in for this three-room preview of Dianes initial large-scale interior pattern project. With apply oneself for the story as well as architectural detail of this iconic London hotel, the new bedrooms retain the best of the strange features while also embracing the modern flair as well as dreamlike, confidant style which is Dianes signature. In the designers own words, we dont wish the road house to change, we only wish it to be some-more of the fantasy. Mission accomplished!Book your stay at Claridges upon Perfect Escapes.


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