Naughty or Nice? A Visit from Santas Elf at The Mansion on Peachtree, Atlanta

The Mansion upon Peachtree, AtlantaSanta is promulgation the director elf to Buckhead to check upon whos been naughty or nice. The Mansion upon Peachtree, A Rosewood Hotel, will be welcoming Santas elf upon Nov 26. Each dusk leading up to Christmas, the director elf will fly behind to the North Pole to share updates upon the hotels guest as well as staff with Santa. Throughout the director elfs visit, the Mansion upon Peachtree will share photos of the elfs whereabouts by Facebook. Fun for the luxury hotels young guests: The Mansion upon Peachtree also invites guest to find the director elfs place each day when he earnings from Santa in the sunrise as well as prizes will be awarded during the concierge desk. Book the Elf On The Shelf room package during The Mansion upon Peachtree, celebrating the childrens book*, as well as youll get all kinds of magical add-ons starting during $299 per night (valid from Nov twenty-five by Dec 25):
Luxurious accommodations for the single night
The Elf upon The Shelf: A Christmas Tradition Gift Set
Turndown Amenity from Mrs. Clauss Kitchen
Full American Breakfast for 2 adults as well as 2 children in NEO Restaurant
Overnight Valet Parking

*The Mansion upon Peachtree will acquire The Elf upon the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition authors Carol Aebersold as well as Chanda Bell upon Dec 19 to horde the dainty Elf upon the Shelf Cupcake Tea featuring the book celebration of the mass as well as signing.


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