20 Awesome Expat Blogs

Expat blog How Lao Brown Cow

Some expat blogs have been simple; a little have been ranting, as well as a little have been approach as well personal. Luckily, theres an additional category of blogs from those living overseas.

These have been a indeed great blogs; a ones you can revisit over as well as over. For pointy writing, peculiarity photography, or devious humour, these blogs mount out from a pack.

1. How Lao Brown Cow

Leslie Engles blog about her hold up as well as work in Laos is hilarious. Her photos have been splendid as well as simple, as well as she writes courteous posts similar to Mama Youve been On my Mind, about family in Laos. Leslie functions for Pencils of Promise, as well as writes with energy a grassroots changes which have been happening with Laotian education. One post we particularly liked, about a frustrations of guidance a language some-more slowly than youd like, weaves discerning mind in to exasperation. Funny, droll stuff.

2. The Mija Chronicles

Mexican-American freelance bard Lesley Tllez takes tasty photos. You could contend her site is a food blog, with great, witty recipe narratives similar to this Chile Mora Salsa. Id call it a sensory site for Mexico City; splendid photos, elementary uninformed food, and, in a single post, a sounds from a street.

3. Danny Choo

UK-born Danny Choo functions in software in Tokyo as well as takes bonkers photographs too. Choos Japan is electric, eclectic, as well as raging in a most appropriate probable way. His Tokyo photo walk array is a change of sparsity as well as density upon a citys neon streets. He additionally snaps a array of anime characters which is, funny, creepy, or sexy, depending upon your crater of tea.

Danny Choo

4. C! oconut R adio

Celeste Brash is a transport bard who, until a single month ago, lived in Tahiti for seventeen years. She writes about normal dance classes, Tahitis vineyards, as well as a great array upon traveling French Polynesia by supply ship; road-trip style narratives about confused schedules as well as dolphin-spottings. A standout photo is Jam Session during a Tahiti Immigration Office, a discerning but potent demeanour during French Polynesian character.

5. OSullivans Abroad

This blog is by couple from Oregon who live as well as learn in Taiwan. we adore a crowded photos of splendid markets as well as capricious cafes. Mostly, we adore a fact which this blog is put together with 0 pretentiousness. No backpacker bragging, no expat smugness: just pert, honest writing.

They cover a basics of an ESL teachers everyday life; from oddly-flavored candies to a items they instruct they had packed. If we were formulation a move to Taiwan, we would comb this blog for tips. A a a single preferred post: a elementary photo of a tutud Taiwanese girl celebrating her birthday.

6. How to Learn Swedish in 1000 Difficult Lessons

I adore a format of Francis Strands blog. Each untitled entrance tells a every day version in a American expats hold up in Sweden; a strange phone call during work; observing dual young group creation eyes upon a bus, a brand brand new landscaping project.

Each post concludes with a Swedish word of a day, an mostly devious one-word outline of a piece. My a a single preferred post is a story of removing stuck in a ice during a Baltic boat ride. The word of a day? En frbannelse. It means a curse.

Karolinka in as well as Around Bulgaria

7. Karolinka In & Around Bulgaria

I adore stories similar to American Carolyn Emighs, when a student moves to a brand brand new nation to study for a semester or two, as well as ends u! p stayin g for years. For Emigh, study has turned to training ESL. During her third year in Sofia, she explores a panorama as well as small towns with all a zeal of a backpacking undergrad. The enthusiasm as well as flattering photos from Rhodopes in Autumn can be triggers of wanderlust.

8. we Eat My Pigeon

Eva Sandoval is a single droll writer. She spent three years training ESL in Japan as well as writing. Now, shes living in her genealogical Italy, blogging with discerning candor about stick shift pushing lessons as well as noisy neighbors. One of my a a single preferred posts is about cleaning out a wallet as well as detection transport mementos. Heartfelt but still witty.

Also, Sandovals Mini Japanese Culture Lessons have been waggish as well as helpful. we adore her outline of a Japanese eeehh?

9. Touching up my Roots

This blog marks an American familys sabbatical in Croatia, where they trace their family roots. Each family part of has their own page, giving a site a range of voices. Husband Jim narrates a food adventures. The kids blog about homeschooling as well as skiing for a first time. Wife Jennifer writes simple, vivid records upon everyday Croatian life, similar to in Starting Each Day with a Strike of a Match.

10. Here is Havana

Conner Gorry is an American journalist based in Cuba, whose essay is pointy as well as self-aware. A sample: If youve ever wondered what its similar to to lick upon a Malecn, go to a doctor for free, smoke tasty 5 cent cigars, or forgoe toilet paper for months [...], acquire to Havana.

Her vignettes upon relating to a neighbors as well as battling bugs have been honest as well as beautifully written. we desired Keeping in Line, Cuban Style, a post about queuing for food rations in a issue of a hurricane. Her account of a hungry throng is merciful as well as dignified.

Continue celebration of the mass upon a subsequent page or click View All for 10 some-more expat blogs.


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