Whats Cooking for the Future of Flight

HyperMach's sleek SonicStar jet is slated to take flight in 2021.

Imagine flying from New York to Sydney at 60,000 feet in just four hours at Mach 3.5 - twice the Concordes top speed of Mach 2.04. Add to this a cut in jet emissions by 100%. If this sounds like science fiction fantasy, come liftoff in 2021 HyperMachs SonicStar aircraft will transform skeptics into believers, and possibly passengers, too.While airlines like KLM and Air France are beginning to fly planes with a greener blend of kerosene and used cooking oil, the 20-seat SonicStar jet will achieve its supersonic status and speeds through 100% green, fuel-efficient, hybrid gas turbine engine technology. This is great news on the road to reaching the International Air Transport Associations target for eliminating carbon dioxide emissions from air travel by 2050. Current noise regulations will be easily overcome using electromagnetic currents to suppress the sonic boom.HyperMach reports that the SonicStar will be fully constructed and operational by 2021.


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