What luxury can do for you in Australia

Australia is famous for its rugged outback, but you dont hear a lot about the 5 star side of the country. Yes, there are some very wild places all around Australia, but its a bit of a waste to miss the real luxuries available.

Luxury, Australian style

Australia doesnt have to boast about its lifestyle, but not many people realize that the lifestyle is really universal. Australians live better than most. The luxury version of Australian lifestyle is actually pretty close to the famous al fresco barbie but with in a different price bracket, and always absolute top quality. Add a 5 star resort and full services, and you get the idea.

The fact is that the choice of luxury in Australian cities is enormous.
Queensland, for example, has an absolutely incredible range of 4 and 5 star resorts, hotels, and beach villas. There are more different types of luxury accommodation in Brisbane alone than most people would expect to find anywhere on Earth.

Luxury also comes in other forms. The executive accommodation is all designer work, complete with full business and convention facilities if you want it. On the water, you can find million dollar yachts and super yachts which are pretty much straight off the blueprints, theyre so new.

The Australian difference

The difference in Australia is that the environments around the country are totally different:

  • You can be in a tropical paradise in Darwin, watching the crocs from aluxury tour.
  • You can sail down the Great Barrier Reef for days on a super yacht.
  • You can see how fantastic the Sydney shoreline is as a place to live.
  • You can follow the coast south and see the fabulous Far South Coast,Lakes Entrance and the wild coasts of Tasmania, and meet the penguins.
  • Heading west you can be stunned by the huge size of Port Phil! ip Bay a nd the extraordinary ocean lake environment and Australias huge second biggest city.
  • Further west you can arrive in Adelaide, and see the mouth of themighty Murray River, one of the worlds giant continental river systems.
  • You can follow the route of the fantastic desert coast 1000 miles toPerth, the home of the legendary Great White Sharks.
  • When you get to Perth, youll see the fastest growing and one of themost glamorous of Australian cities, the spiritual home of the worldsbiggest mining industry companies, Perth, on the fabulous Swan River.
  • Now you can sail up the coast of Western Australia, meet the dolphins at Monkey Mia, and see an area bigger than Texas covered in wildflowers.
  • Further up the coast, you can come to Broome and the foot of theKimberleys, some of the wildest country in the world, quite untamed.

Youve just done 5000 kilometers of 5 star luxury in ten totally different
environments. You can do this by plane, too, using private luxury jets which can get you anywhere in the country. Fantastic food and entertainment are compulsory.

Its impossible not to enjoy luxury Australia.

Mark James is Head of Marketing at Travel Insuranz.

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What luxury can do for you in Australia is a post from A Luxury Travel Blog


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