Caithness Smokehouse a journey to the end of the isle

The Caithness Smokehouse as well as proprietor John InglisI will go to a ends of a earth to uncover gems as well as gourmet delights for ALTB readers. This time we went to a very north of Scotland to a Caithness Smokehouse in Barrock. Barrock is usually about five miles from Dunnet Head, a many primeval indicate upon mainland Britain, as well as about 3 hours of driving into a wilds north of Inverness.

I had a great fitness to encounter John Inglis, a owners of a Caithness Smokehouse as well as smoker, who kindly concluded to speak to me about a smokehouse as well as uncover us around. John is eager about compelling internal furnish as well as applauds a move away from fast food to internal workman products with a importance upon taste. He uses traditional methods as well as usually tip peculiarity internal produce, such as hand dived Orkney scallops as well as Scrabster fish as well as seafood. The food produced during a smokehouse is lush by anyones definition, yet visitors are welcome to have a look around as John is a cheerful, laid-back kind of person who delights in a opportunity to discuss it people about his venture.

The smokehouse is situated right subsequent door to a residence John shares with his wife Christine, as well as its not surprising for a coach load of tourists from Canada, America, Germany or a Netherlands to uncover up during a residence hoping for a tour. But dont begin meditative about a oxymoron of luxury coach travel. Look instead to Johns impressive list of customers.

As well as provision internal hotels, restaurants, retail outlets as well as visitors to a smokehouse, a Caithness Smokehouse additionally supplies Mey Castle (which was a home of a Queen Mother in Caithness) as well as Skibo Castle (where Madonna hold her wedding). Skibo Castle is additionally home to a disdainful Carnegie Club, declared after Andrew Carnegie, ! once a r ichest man in a world, who owned an estate during Skibo.

John was additionally proud to discuss it me he had been asked to smoke a largest fish ever held in Caithness a whopper weighing in during 11lb 10oz. He offers a smoking service to anglers, alternative individuals as well as food producers. As he says, You supply it, we smoke it, we eat it.

Theres all kinds of things already upon suggest during a Caithness Smokehouse: cheese, bacon, ham, eggs, as well as of course fish as well as shellfish, as well as theyre expanding their operation all a time. The importance is always upon tip peculiarity internal produce. The smokehouse has done it to a finals of a Scotland Excellence Awards for food as well as drink for a last integrate of years no meant attainment for a comparatively brand new business.

By now youre probably wishing we could only pop up to a north to get a piece of a action, but its a diminutive bit far to go. No worries, we can order by phone or online as well as have Caithness Smokehouse furnish delivered to pretty well anywhere in a UK inside of 48 hours, so we dont have to miss out upon this treat.

That said, we would say which a whole area is worth a visit even if only to visit Dunnet Head as well as John o Groats (too many cyclists!) as well as for a noble photo opportunities of a beautiful scenery.

Caithness Smokehouse a tour to a end of a isle is a post from A Luxury Travel Blog


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