Spa Treatments for Kids: The Alice in BW Land Cabana at L.A.s Beverly Wilshire

Beverly Wilshire, sauna treatments for kidsWhile their grateful parents lounge by a pool or hit a sauna this summer, pint-sized guest of a Beverly Wilshire can put up with in sauna treatments of their own during a Alice in BW Land Cabana. Children as well as teenagers can take a break from poolside fun as well as stumble into their very own rabbit hole during a Cabana, where a variety of dainty sauna adventures await. Check em out:

Alice Yes we am very lustful of tea. Be tea celebration ready with this pinkish facial treatment, that includes a facial cleanse, facial rub a body as well as mask. A soothing scalp rub a body as well as mouth dumpy finish a treatment.
Mad Hatter What is a hatter with me? Dont be as mad as a hatter - relax as well as transparent a thoughts with a relaxing scalp rub a body followed by a shoulder rub a body to loosen parsimonious muscles.
Cheshire Cat But we laugh as well as bear it. Show off a beaming grin similar to a Cheshire Cat with this tantalizing mouth treatment, that includes a mouth dumpy as well as mask. Cooling eye pads have been practical whilst enjoying a scalp massage. A shiny mouth shimmer concludes this delightful treat.
Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum How do ya do as well as shake hands, shake hands. Walk hand-in-hand with Tweedle Dee as well as Dum whilst enjoying this palm treatment. Enjoy a sugarine palm dumpy followed by a soothing palm massage. A facade is then practical as well as hands have been wrapped in mitts. As a finishing touch, a shimmer lotion gives a idealisation tea celebration glow.
White Rabbit Oh dear, oh dear we shall be so late. Hop in for a relaxing foot bath. A flavored exfoliation is practical to soften a feet, followed by a mask. A rub a body is what every rabbit needs when using late.

Of march a kids have been treate! d with c olour to cupcakes as well as tea after their treatments. The Alice in BW Land Cabana is open daily from 10 am to 6 pm; reservations have been endorsed by a Spa.


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